For over 25 years, Kate Grady been a communications specialist, project manager, teacher, policy analyst and strategist. She’s worked with businesses, not-for-profits, education systems, politicians and governments.
Kate grew up in her own adventure series; in Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Australia. She’s spent her life collecting interesting stories, good people and valuable skills, which all led her to ‘trust her cape’ in 2018, when she founded Grady Content and Copy.
I listened to a friend tell her story over coffee. So many good things happen over coffee! I asked some questions, took some notes and then wrote an article which was published on her website within 24 hours. I didn’t even have a business name locked away at that stage, but I will be forever grateful to RM for the first gig.
Kate lives on the Eastern Shore of Hobart, Tasmania, with her partner and son. Her office is nestled into the back of her garden; the perfect environment for concentration and creativity. The two Labradors like to supervise her work. She’s a garlic grower, dog lover and Oscars tragic.
Kate is reliable, honest and thorough. She’ll listen carefully to understand your voice and your audience. She’ll make sure that what you want to say is clear and interesting. She’ll fix what doesn’t sound right. She’ll honour your expertise and experience.